Online classes via Zoom:
NOGA (Not Only Yoga) Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am - 11:20am MST
Next Natural Movement Focus Week: July 21 & 23
also : Bellydance, Yoga/Noga, Natural Movement,
Strength-Building, Stretching, Restoratives, & More
Movement that is play
Movement that is curious
Movement that is exploration
Movement that is responsive
Movement that is interactive
Movement that is not bound by forms, rules or goals
Movement that is our own
Currently on hold: in person classes
Tuesdays 4:00 - 5:15pm / donation basis
Fundamentals of Natural Movement, developmental human patterns, body-mind coordination, animal flows, joint mobilization, basic balance & conditioning,
fall-prevention, wrist-strengthening and more
Tuesdays 5:30 - 6:45pm / $10 drop-in
Strength and Stamina for Everyone (also known as NOGA: Not Only Yoga)
Postural-based exploration of strength, balance, breath, joint stability and flexibility
through a wider lens on yoga forms and principles
Fridays 9:00 - 10:30am / donation basis
Dynamic Natural Movement, animal flows, body-weight practices and locomotion,
balance & whole-body conditioning, integrative coordination games
STUDIO LOCATION: 758 Camino Baca Grande Way
OUTDOOR CLASES: weather permitting
(mailing list members receive weekly email about class location)
photos ® Julie Angel
Natural human movement is a shared physical vocabulary used by all humans across time and culture. It is the universal, non-specialized and highly adaptive result of over a hundred thousand years of hominid evolution.
Natural movement is what people have always done to move around, gather food and water, build shelters, transport objects, explore the environment and protect themselves from danger. In response to the world around us and to the demands of survival, our bodies have developed highly versatile joints and muscles to execute these basic movements. Now, our modern, sedentary convenience-based culture has eliminated the need for a broad palette of movements that once kept us healthy, and has confined our bodies to restricted spaces and ranges of motion.
Natural Human Movement classes are suitable for everyone. They give us a strong foundation for healing from injury, surgery, or lack of condition; help address issues like fear of movement, spatial imbalance and lack of coordination; and prepare us for more intense movements such as running, climbing and jumping.
In these classes, we explore some of the most fundamental human movements as a way to regain familiarity and confidence with patterns that keep our joints mobile and train our nervous systems to remain alert, efficient and graceful. We focus on movements close to the ground such as squatting, kneeling, getting up and down off the floor, crawling, balancing, and moving smoothly from one position to another.
These simple movements require us to refine our synergy of posture, breath, relaxation, and timing; vitalizing and integrating the entire body through coordinated action. Fundamental movements that mimic our development as babies and infants also bring mobility and weight-bearing to the wrists, hips, and ankles, strengthening the parts of our skeleton most prone to risk fracture as we age.
Natural movement patterns will be taught with awareness and through careful progressions, so that each participant can move at his/her own level, acquiring skills in a safe context. Participants will be given "homework" in the form of movement tasks and mindfulness exercises to do daily, as well as optional reading and audio resources for further education.
Private lessons and special-focus sessions are available.
Regularly-scheduled group classes are held Tuesdays at 3pm and Fridays at 10:30am
Write for more information, or send me a message and submit your contact information below.