My name is Katie Getchell. I’m a bodyworker and movement artist working across multiple modalities, helping people develop ease, balance and confidence. My focus is on encouraging an interoceptive —guided from within, not dictated by external standards— life of movement and embodiment. I assist in exploring and shifting of patterns of pain and dysfunction, but I seek not to pathologize. My approach emphasizes an attitude of curiosity, pleasure and possibility in embodiment.
I invite you to an open-ended inquiry into the experience of having a human body, guided by touch and movement.
I offer you my commitment to do my best to listen to what you need, to support you, and to do no harm.
For two decades I’ve been Practitioner of Ida Rolf's Structural Integration (also known as Rolfing.™) I completed my training at the Guild for Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado in 2001. My practice has been located in Chico, California; Crestone, Colorado and is now opening in Honoka’a, Hawaii. My continuing education studies in Structural Integration include intensives with Neal Powers, David Davis and other senior teachers trained directly by Dr. Ida Rolf, as well as many workshops on special topics such as scoliosis.
The foundation of my manual therapy work with clients is Dr. Rolf's Ten-Series, a process whose goal is to progressively free, balance and align the fascial network, or connective tissue layers which envelop and support the organs, musculature, nerve beds, bones and fluids - indeed the entire human structure. Through the ten sessions, the client is able to deepen awareness of held tension and trauma, postural habits, and patterns that restrict mobility and function. I also works with clients on an individual session basis, with 3-series, 5-series, and in personalized formats combining Structural Integration with restorative, corrective and natural movement instruction.
I have been a certified massage therapist since 2000, receiving 630 hours of training at the Crestone Healing Arts Center. My clients find benefits from the strong influence of the reflexology, shiatsu and jin shin do instruction that are emphasized at that massage school.
Katie teaching a Structural Integration for Dancers Workshop at Shakti School of Dance, Pushkar, India 2013
In 2019, I completed the 120-hour Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Certification with Valentina Gombi at the Byron Thai Massage School in Australia. I have been learning Thai Yoga massage techniques several years and am pleased to now offer comprehensive, fully mat-based Thai Yoga Massage sessions.
My work is evolving towards a deep integration of the Rolfing practice with the meridian-focused body positioning, weight-sharing and range of motion practices of Thai Yoga Massage. I now offer the Ida P. Rolf 10-Series on the Thai mat instead of a massage table, which gives me and my clients a powerfully shared sense of grounding on the earth.
I have completed (uncertified) the second year of the Biomechanics and Restorative Exercise program with Katy Bowman, and I emphasize the integration of active movement practices in my work with clients.
I became a certified MovNat Trainer in 2016 to deepen my coaching skills, and am committed to teaching safe, effective progressions to functional movement in a variety of settings. I also credit Esther Gokhale's work with significantly enhancing my practice and clarifying my understanding of spinal health and natural human posture.
To schedule an appointment or learn more, please call (719) 588-9255 or write to